Our Streamlined Process
We want to make sure you have the most efficient and effective process possible that meets your goals and offers real solutions.
It all starts with a conversation. We talk with you about your medical history, current pain points, known injuries or accidents, goals, and more. Then, we’ll provide a complete and thorough physical assessment that details where imbalances are and defines the root cause of your symptoms.
With this knowledge, we implement a working treatment program that starts on the same day; when X-rays or MRIs are needed, those will be called in immediately. In most cases, the initial appointment will last around 30 minutes; after that, appointments generally run about 10-15 minutes, so you can quickly return to your busy day.
Our team is dedicated to your success story. You’re ready to take action; we’re ready to help you start now. Our calendar is open for you to book directly online!